It’s hard to believe children in our very own community go hungry, but it’s a reality faced by children every day.
Food4Kids provides packages of healthy food for kids aged 4-13 years with limited or no access to food each weekend.
The food packages are assembled by volunteers and delivered to schools each Friday to ensure children have nourishment over the weekend.
The worsening economy, job loss, working poor, illness, mental health, marriage breakdown or those fleeing their home country to seek safe refuge in Canada, are some of the reasons parents turn to Food4Kids for support.
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❤️Big Impact, Made Simple: Donor-advised funds (DAFs) provide a simple and powerful way to make meaningful change.
With over $8.5 Billion in assets across Canada, DAFs are designed to make meaningful change, whether you’re new to philanthropy or seeking a smarter, more effective way to give.
➡️ To learn more about DAFs, reach out to Sarah Thatcher at
@sarahkathrynthatcher #food4kidsmuskoka #food4kids #weekendswithouthunger #muskokacharity
KID HEROES live here and today we’d love for you to meet Auston!!
Last week, Auston celebrated his 6th birthday and requested donations instead of gifts 🥹 With his request, his friends all showed up with a contribution that allowed us to buy a huge amount of snacks for kids in our program.
Over $400 worth!!!!! 🥹 🤩
We invited Auston in today to take a photo with all of the amazing food products that would be going home to the 310 kids in our Weekends Without Hunger program!
Thank you, Auston, for your big heart and huge contribution to your community!!!!
#kidhero #food4kids #food4kidsmuskoka #weekendswithouthunger @miss_jamielee_g
If you haven’t heard of Lil Ember, you’re going to hear about him right now!! MEET THOMAS!! 🤩
This absolute STAR is an 11 year old entrepreneur with a huge heart. During the Christmas season, Thomas created these amazing fire starters and sold them at markets. To create a product is one thing, but to show up in person and promote your product is another.
Thomas had some fantastic success and decided to donate proceeds to our Weekends Without Hunger program, LIKE AN ANGEL!
We are so GRATEFUL for you, Lil Ember, and the fantastic way you show up for kids in your community. Super proud to celebrate the next leaders of our community!
#lilember #kidentrepreneur #food4kids #food4kidsmuskoka #weekendswithouthunger
When asked why she chose to be Board Chair, @michellewattspetterson (as per usual) choked up as she explained:
“I am incredibly proud to serve as Chair of the board of Food4Kids Muskoka because every decision we make directly impacts a child’s ability to learn, grow and thrive - no child should have to face hunger. Each week this team and community rally to ensure bags of food are delivered directly into the backpacks of these kids and each Saturday morning I envision them enjoying their breakfast when otherwise there may not have been one.” 🥹
We are so fortunate to have the most incredible people on our Board of Directors and thank them all for their time and dedication!
#food4kids #food4kidsmuskoka #weekendswithouthunger #muskokacharity #boardofdirectors
We ❤️LOVE❤️ our friends from our local Winners location who held their own holiday fundraiser and presented us with an envelope that would support@our Weekends Without Hunger program!!
Thank you, Michelle and Dustin (pictured here) and to the rest of their amazing Winners team!!
#welovelocal #winners #food4kids #food4kidsmuskoka #weekendswithouthunger
Did you know that each week we provide nutritious food bags for over 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ children right here in Muskoka?
With your support we have been able to scale@our operations 4000% in the first 18 months, creating brighter weekends for kids in our community.
Here’s to another fantastic week! 🍎
#food4kids #food4kidsmuskoka #weekendswithouthunger #muskokacharity
What a FUN morning as we spent some time at the Baysville arena with the @4560huntsvillestingu13black team - the 2024 @chevroletcanada Good Deeds Cup CHAMPIONS - who reflected on their win with @breakfasttelevision 💙💛
When these girls came to help us pack bags as one of their good deeds, we were feeding 76 kids. With their huge win of $100,000 for Food4Kids Muskoka, we were immediately able to expand into Bracebridge and Gravenhurst schools where we are now feeding 300 kids per week!
These girls are legends in the community and we absolutely love to celebrate them - check out the last photo on our slide where you’ll see the amazing Championship billboard added to the arena!!
@lakeofbaystwp @huntsville_girls_hockey #gooddeedscupCHAMPIONS #food4kids #food4kidsmuskoka #weekendswithouthunger
❤️We just LOVE Lisa and Kelsey and when they picked up a packing shift we had no idea they were surprising us with a $5000 donation from Heartland Farm Mutual.
We cried!! THANK YOU for your support, donation and your helping hands. We are incredibly thankful!!
#heartlandfarmmutual @lisaacornish @kelseyclancy
At Food4Kids Muskoka, we believe in supporting the whole child. That’s why, during times like Christmas, back to school, and summer vacation, we include hygiene products alongside nutritious food to help kids feel their best. 🧼✨
A huge thank you to Soapstones Natural Skincare for their generosity in providing soap for all the kids in one of our previous packages—your kindness makes a lasting impact!
💙 #Food4KidsMuskoka #CaringForKids #CommunitySupport @soapstonesskincare
With a medical problem, I had no choice but to quit work. As a single parent raising 2 great kids, there is barely enough money for rent, little money for food and absolutely no money for extras. When the school asked if I would like to involve my kids in the Food4Kids program, all I could do was cry.
Knowing my children have food brings comfort. The fresh fruits, soups and healthy snacks are appreciated. Thank you for this service. The volunteers at Food4Kids are angels."
After my marriage broke up, I had $50 for food for me and my two kids. I would not go to the food bank because I worked when they were open. We just survived.
Then the school let me know about Food4Kids.
My kids are happier, miss less school and are not sick all the time. It is fun when they come home from school on Friday so excited about what food they will have. Parents like me need this help."
With a medical problem, I had no choice but to quit work. As a single parent raising 2 great kids, there is barely enough money for rent, little money for food and absolutely no money for extras. When the school asked if I would like to involve my kids in the Food4Kids program, all I could do was cry.
Knowing my children have food brings comfort. The fresh fruits, soups and healthy snacks are appreciated. Thank you for this service. The volunteers at Food4Kids are angels."
After my marriage broke up, I had $50 for food for me and my two kids. I would not go to the food bank because I worked when they were open. We just survived.
Then the school let me know about Food4Kids.
My kids are happier, miss less school and are not sick all the time. It is fun when they come home from school on Friday so excited about what food they will have. Parents like me need this help."
Charitable Tax Number: 736226945RR0001 (Receipts will be issued for donations over $20).
Copyright © 2024, Food4Kids Muskoka. We keep your personal information confidential.
Website maintained by Algonquin Digital