We are seeing a shift from poverty elimination to a preventative methodology.
We reduce barriers to accessing healthy food, which impacts immediate, short and long-term developmental outcomes for children and youth. Provision of food is a key prevention strategy impacting physical health, mental health and academic success, in breaking the cycle of poverty.
Children who live with chronic hunger develop physically and socially at a slower pace than their peers and experience higher levels of anxiety, hyperactivity, irritability and aggression. Even relatively short nutritional deficiencies can negatively impact a child’s health.
When children receive the nourishment they need, a whole new world opens up. They can concentrate better in class, have higher energy levels, improve test scores and attendance, and become more social.
The cost to feed a child each weekend is $1000 per year (including the summer!)
Charitable Tax Number: 736226945RR0001 (Receipts will be issued for donations over $20).
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